So I could not justify spending the $35 for a baby bath tub, and Rivers has out grown the kitchen sink, so we bought him this super cute bath sponge for $6 and he has really enjoyed his baths since. Bath time is quite and experience for him, he loves being naked, but hates getting in the tub and getting out of the tub. Lowering him in he's scared to death. Once he's in he's happy and likes to splash, hates for me to clean him, loves the water being poured on him, tries to drink the water has a good old time. Taking him out he cries (I think because he's cold), and throws a fit when I try to put his pajamas on him. But for the most part he's happy, and as he get older I'm sure it will be a better experience for him.
Rivers is such a good baby, he loves to play and be held, and to sleep in his swing. He loves to eat and smile and is super ticklish! He now sleeps 10-12 hours a night, and when he goes to sleep I get to eat and I'm super bored without him. He makes the thought of me going back to work next week sound like torture, and I'm nervous about how he's going to be with the sitters.
On a side note I got a nasty infection called mastitis in my left breast, I know over share, but not many people read this and it's also my journal so I want to document it. Luckily I caught it early enough that it's not too bad, and I can still breast feed Rivers. I was having terrible pain after I would pump in the morning, it had lasted for a few days and I noticed a white spot on my nipple. I looked on line and read some books, and tried the tips they recommended, but the pain got worse. I called my OB and she wanted me to come in. I was given and breast exam, and there was a small lump found. My doctor was fairly curtain it was a badly clogged milk duct, and that I had the early stages of Mastitis. I was given a very strong antibiotic that I have to take every 6 hours on an empty stomach, meaning I can't eat 2 hours before, and an hour after I take it. If it doesn't clear up within a week I have to go back for tests and x-rays to make sure it isn't more serious (cancer). Talk about coming face to face with my own mortality. Now my doctor is pretty sure that it's nothing to worry about, and made me feel comfortable and calm.
I'm 27 and was just told there is a 1% chance I have cancer. My baby is 11 weeks old and I have a 1% chance of having cancer. I'm not worried, because all the pain seems to be breast feeding related, and it's a 1% chance, Rivers is fine so it's not hurting him, but I got this overwhelming fear of not getting to see my baby grow up.
But this whole mess really put things into perspective for me. I'm grateful for the gospel, and my loving husband and my amazing baby, and my supporting family. Those things are what is important, and I'm blessed that I can have those things for eternity.
So aside from taking pills, sleeping with the heating pad, and being hungry, life is continuing as normal. Only now I spend more time enjoying my baby, and hopefully building a strong bond with him. I am very blessed, and I think sometimes things like this, small as it is, help us to put the important things first.
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