Big * Middle * Little

Big * Middle * Little
Just a Blog about my boys, helmets, food and family....

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


I feel I have a pretty good life.  Nothing that people make movies about or write books about, but good, content.

Yet I notice lately that I feel numb.

Now I'm 7 months pregnant, with a two year old, so these feelings could all just be hormone driven, but I have found myself lacking in emotions.

I don't get excited about anything, happy, sad or angry.  Most days I just feel like I'm going through the motions.

I think it might be taking it's toll on my family.

I mean I have concern for their well being, but for the most part I feel everyday is just a day, leading to the next, with its accompanying tasks.  I don't get angry anymore when my child misbehaves, happy when my husband comes home from school, excited to go to bed.  All things that I did before.  

I talked to my doctor about depression, but my lack of sadness, and still getting things done is no cause for alarm.  I still care about things like my appearance and my home and what's for dinner, but my lust for life is gone.

Recently Scott's young 22 year old cousin died.  This was a sad and shocking event, but I had a hard time mustering up the emotions.  I felt sad for her parents and sisters, and sad for the things in life she was going to miss out on, marriage, kids and family, and I really was blown away by the suddenness of her passing, but I guess because I know the plan of salvation so well I was also relieved that she wouldn't have to go through the same strife we do here on earth any more.  For that I was happy, but it wasn't even a joyous happy, more just a "good for her" happy.  The worse part is I don't feel there really anyone I can talk to about all this.  Do I even need to talk to anyone at all?

Plus I have a baby coming, and with Rivers and all of my nieces and nephews I was really excited for them to get here and join my family, but most days being pregnant is just a pain, a necessary evil, to fulfill the measure of my creation.  Times are tough, and for that reason I feel so blessed to be having another boy.  I already have lots of great boy things, and the idea of two cute little guys running around brings my heart joy, but the true happiness I get from having a life inside of me that I got with Rivers just is gone.  I had it when I first got pregnant, but after morning sickness hit the joy left.  I have had a rough pregnancy with lots of doctors and hospital visits, so I guess maybe that's why I'm not super excited.  

Maybe I just need a break, a chance to miss my life.  Just some time to remember who I am with out the title of wife, mother, Young Women's president, pregnant lady.  I was hoping with Scott out of school now that I might get that, but he's busy doing this:
Which I'm glad he's doing something that he loves, but I just seems like another way for him to distract himself from us.  He is always telling me to let him know and we can plan a time for me to do the things I want to do, but I get confused as to why I have to plan the things I want to do, and he gets to just do the things he wants to do, I by no means think less of him or want to stop him, but I'd love to just declare I needed to go to the store and leave with out packing up a 2 year old and going.  Maybe I just miss the freedoms I once had.  I'd let him watch Rivers while he's outside all day, but often Scott is unable to pay attention to him and we live on a busy street so I'm afraid something might happen, and often Scott is busy and doesn't want him out there.  Which if this was a "normal" job Rivers wouldn't be able to be with him anyhow.  

Blah I'm just being a whiner, and I need to stop looking for someone to comfort me.  This is the life I signed on for and I'm content to do it, I just wish I could see the joy and anger and emotions in it.  I'm hoping it's all just my hormones and soon enough I'll be back to my old crazy self.

1 comment:

Coral Gibbons said...

Just read this. I've felt this way before too. I'm sad our friendship isn't such that you feel you can confide your feelings to me. I know how it is though, I've felt the same way-feeling I don't have anyone to talk to about what matters most to me. Please know I love you and would love for us to have one of those conversations someone when one of us really need it.