Big * Middle * Little

Big * Middle * Little
Just a Blog about my boys, helmets, food and family....

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I want candy!

I love candy! I mean I really love candy, more than anything else in the world next to Scott, who doesn't get put in the same category as candy. I hide candy so I can find it later, and I get very possessive of my candy, I don't want to share! There are days where candy is all I can think about. Since becoming pregnant I've tried really hard to stay away from candy because I don't think it's good for the baby. I don't think it's good for me either, but I am trying to be a good mommy.
Yesterday was one of those days that I NEEDED candy.
I got Kidney stones, which is the worse thing I've ever been through in my whole life!!
I tried very hard to be brave and not cry or complain, but I didn't know what was going on, and given my family history of delivering early I was certain I was in preterm labor. We went to the ER at about 12:45 Monday morning and didn't get home until 9:00. I felt so bad for Scott because no one would work for him and the poor guy had to go into work after having no sleep. This is why Scott can't be categorized with candy, which would have just made me go through this whole mess alone.
I slept all day Monday, and Tuesday went to work, how else am I going to pay off that trip to the ER? After work I went to a Urologist, who basically told me that I just have to wait this out until after the baby comes, and gave me a prescription for an x-ray after the baby comes. He was a nice guy, but a total waste of time in my opinion.
While driving home, having not taken any pain meds for over 8 hours so I could drive home, I got sad, and started feeling sorry for myself. What kind of mommy lets herself get sick like this? How am I going to take care of this little guy when every month something else seems to be wrong with me? Maybe our decision to have a baby was a mistake. But I don't believe that. This is when I turn to my one sweet friend who never lets me down, but does rot my teeth, candy. I stopped and spent $8 on candy, $8 I could have saved for the ER bill, or baby stuff. Having that guilt again I sat in bed all night still not taking any pain pills so I could pick up my husband from the train, eating candy and reading, praying that I could pass this stone.
That night as I snuggled with my hubby, doped up on Percaset, I started to feel some relief, and by morning I think I moved the stone to my bladder. I'm still sore, and guilty of eating candy, and mad at myself for giving in, but I know that the Lord has heard my cries, and is letting this thing pass sooner rather than later.
I know my love affair with candy isn't good for me, but it has yet again gotten me through rough patch.


Mr & Miss Guided said...

I wouldn't even worry about giving in to your wants of candy. You needed something to get you through and for me - it would've been ice cream. Don't worry about what you'll be like as a mom either - it'll all come to you in small spurts and with help from friends and family - whether you want it or not!`

Christy said...

Kidney stones are worse than labor! So at least now you know you can handle it! Just make sure to bring some candy to the hospital when you deliver. I brought my stuffed animal and everyone made fun of me but it totally helped. :)